The Stranniki (Russian for Runaways or Wanderers) are the strong Pomorsky Old Believers who rejected prayers for Tsar Peter and all government papers (identification, passports, money, etc). They would not wear clothing contrary to Old Orthodox Russia, nor eat with those of contrary Faith and Practice. Keeping themselves separate from the antichrist society they went far into the Siberian wilderness. This blog is about these people and my effort to conform my life to theirs.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Flee From Society and You Will Be Saved

Arsenius the Great (4th century) was a tutor to princes and one of the most revered of the early Christians... A voice came to him saying, “Arsenius, flee from men and you will be saved.” St. Arsenius gave up his position and wealth in order to live out the rest of his days as a monk (as one alone without anything). Since this was true so long ago, how much more so is it applicable to us today.

Holy Arsenius the Great